Thursday, July 17, 2008

Change in leadership

It has almost been made official now, that Kaz, a director of the conclave will now be leading Eradication, our WoW guild. He's a decent man, and I have some high hopes for him. He has a way with the guild that he can get things done, I mean, he's been doing it for the past few months already. He's been a assistant guild master for the past two guild masters, and has held the guild together rather well, and one perfect example is what happened two nights ago.

Two nights ago, we had some of the best members of the guild, decide too quit, I believe the grand total was near twelve members that typed /gquit that night. Well, a rather length discussion took place on Team Speak that evening, and I really must hand the kudos to Kaz for his twisting, and forming of words that has managed too convince them all too stay, and hold out for a few weeks longer now that he is guild leader. I have too say, I put in a few words here and there, but not nearly anything too the caliber of what Kaz said that evening. That evening I must say, he saved the guild from a two too three month set back, and he really does deserve something for that. I know, I'll get him some cheese, he does seem too be a big fan of cheese.

But, back too what Kaz has seemed to save the guild from, he does have some interesting proposals for the guild that I'm quite looking forward too. I could almost quite straight from his blog that I for one reason or another have open at the moment, but, I'll just sum it up for him.

  • Increase the amount of 25 man raids that we have such as SSC/Gruul/Maggy, specifically SSC
  • Give rewards for being ontime and prepared for the raids
  • Basically aiming higher, and asking less for going too lower instances

So, basically I think he has it all covered, and my hopes are pretty high for this.

Oh, and on a side note, while I was writing this up, I just got a call for an orientation for a new job (Yay me) and I go in in exactly 1 hour, and 45 minutes. Hope all goes well!

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